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Latil 1, number in war: SA-6385, Heavy AA artillery battalion 2 , after war: SA-3797,(Lahti)

Latil and my uncle Seppo SA-6385 Latil Latil rightside Shield of radiator Latil Offroad Lights, camera, action! Latil offroad Latil, Seppo and me Summer 2006 4-wheel steering on Notice wild rear wheels. Jump in! My boy Jere is next Latil-generation My boy Jere posing same place like me over 23 years before(look old photo nr.09). Jere test`s crewspace doors Winter 2007, this picture covers Finnish Automobiili-magazine nr.02/07! Latil from above Winter-07.Seppo, Automobile-magazines editor and her husband coming from testdrive.


Engine M2 four-stroke engine with dual ignition chassic from front Driving and steering equipments Uppermost is winch axle, below is cardan shaft and rightside is 4-wheelsteering shaft rear chassic Drive and steering equipments rearside 4-wheelsteering switching mechanism. Winch Trailing capacity 2500kg Firestone Snow chains Springtime service. Riflestand Riflestand Fueltank is below on the seat Many gear´s and things, you must be a pro to use these ;) 4-wheelsteering switch on background floor Clear gear-notes for the driver Speedometer,leftside amperemeter and rightside oilpressuremeter Blinker Great mechanic in these crewspace doors. Crewspace for 8 man + equipments Crewspace Crewspace Crewspace


We want to make something rare.. Just find old smowplough and make some welds. This combination is very rare.Seen last time over 40 years ago! Plough works fine! We get fine pictures and very great video That´s all this time..Maybe again on next year..


Latil 2, number in war:SA-29599, AA-regiment 1(Helsinki) , after war: SA-3817, AA-regiment 1(Helsinki,Santahamina)


Latil 1 & Latil 2


Old photos.
Boy in pictures 9, 19 and 23 ,that´s me, webmaster.
1993,when i was 13 year old we changed motors between Latils(pictures 22-24).
In picture 9(year is 1983) i am about 3 year old.So, more than 23 years with Latils is behind :)
Pictures 1 and 2 are only pictures what is left from beginning of -80 when my uncle buy Latils from junk-shop.

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Turku 13-14.2.1952. Army practised to move 88mm AA-gun/RMBK to the ground. Pictures from Tuusula AA-museum and own collection.

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